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SoWinConstrainedViewer Class Reference

The SoWinConstrainedViewer class is the superclass for viewers with constrains on the viewpoint. More...

#include <Inventor/Win/viewers/SoWinConstrainedViewer.h>

Inheritance diagram for SoWinConstrainedViewer:
SoWinFullViewer SoWinViewer SoWinRenderArea SoWinGLWidget SoWinComponent SoWinObject SoWinFlyViewer

Public Member Functions

void setUpDirection (const SbVec3f &dir)
const SbVec3fgetUpDirection (void) const
virtual void setCamera (SoCamera *newcam)
virtual void saveHomePosition (void)
virtual void resetToHomePosition (void)
- Public Member Functions inherited from SoWinFullViewer
void setDecoration (const SbBool on)
SbBool isDecoration (void) const
void setPopupMenuEnabled (const SbBool on)
SbBool isPopupMenuEnabled (void) const
HWND getAppPushButtonParent (void) const
void addAppPushButton (HWND newButton)
void insertAppPushButton (HWND newButton, int index)
void removeAppPushButton (HWND oldButton)
int findAppPushButton (HWND oldButton) const
int lengthAppPushButton (void) const
HWND getRenderAreaWidget (void) const
virtual void setViewing (SbBool on)
virtual void setComponentCursor (const SoWinCursor &cursor)
- Public Member Functions inherited from SoWinViewer
SoCameragetCamera (void) const
virtual void setCameraType (SoType type)
SoType getCameraType (void) const
virtual void toggleCameraType (void)
virtual void viewAll (void)
virtual void setHeadlight (SbBool enable)
SbBool isHeadlight (void) const
SoDirectionalLightgetHeadlight (void) const
virtual void setDrawStyle (SoWinViewer::DrawType type, SoWinViewer::DrawStyle style)
SoWinViewer::DrawStyle getDrawStyle (const SoWinViewer::DrawType type) const
virtual void setBufferingType (SoWinViewer::BufferType type)
SoWinViewer::BufferType getBufferingType (void) const
SbBool isViewing (void) const
virtual void setCursorEnabled (SbBool enable)
SbBool isCursorEnabled (void) const
void setAutoClipping (SbBool enable)
SbBool isAutoClipping (void) const
void setAutoClippingStrategy (const AutoClippingStrategy strategy, const float value=0.6f, SoWinAutoClippingCB *cb=NULL, void *cbuserdata=NULL)
virtual void setStereoViewing (SbBool enable)
SbBool isStereoViewing (void) const
virtual void setStereoOffset (const float dist)
float getStereoOffset (void) const
SbBool setStereoType (SoWinViewer::StereoType s)
SoWinViewer::StereoType getStereoType (void) const
void setAnaglyphStereoColorMasks (const SbBool left[3], const SbBool right[3])
void getAnaglyphStereoColorMasks (SbBool left[3], SbBool right[3])
void setDetailSeek (const SbBool enable)
SbBool isDetailSeek (void) const
void setSeekTime (const float seconds)
float getSeekTime (void) const
void addStartCallback (SoWinViewerCB *func, void *data=NULL)
void addFinishCallback (SoWinViewerCB *func, void *data=NULL)
void removeStartCallback (SoWinViewerCB *func, void *data=NULL)
void removeFinishCallback (SoWinViewerCB *func, void *data=NULL)
void setWireframeOverlayColor (const SbColor &color)
const SbColorgetWireframeOverlayColor (void) const
virtual void setDoubleBuffer (const SbBool enable)
virtual void setSceneGraph (SoNode *root)
virtual SoNodegetSceneGraph (void)
- Public Member Functions inherited from SoWinRenderArea
 SoWinRenderArea (HWND parent=NULL, const char *name=NULL, SbBool embed=TRUE, SbBool mouseInput=TRUE, SbBool keyboardInput=TRUE)
 ~SoWinRenderArea ()
void setOverlaySceneGraph (SoNode *scene)
SoNodegetOverlaySceneGraph (void)
void setBackgroundColor (const SbColor &color)
const SbColorgetBackgroundColor (void) const
void setBackgroundIndex (int idx)
int getBackgroundIndex (void) const
void setOverlayBackgroundIndex (int idx)
int getOverlayBackgroundIndex (void) const
void setColorMap (int start, int num, const SbColor *colors)
void setOverlayColorMap (int start, int num, const SbColor *colors)
void setViewportRegion (const SbViewportRegion &newRegion)
const SbViewportRegiongetViewportRegion (void) const
void setTransparencyType (SoGLRenderAction::TransparencyType type)
SoGLRenderAction::TransparencyType getTransparencyType (void) const
void setAntialiasing (SbBool smoothing, int numPasses)
void getAntialiasing (SbBool &smoothing, int &numPasses) const
void setClearBeforeRender (SbBool enable, SbBool zbEnable=TRUE)
SbBool isClearBeforeRender (void) const
SbBool isClearZBufferBeforeRender (void) const
void setClearBeforeOverlayRender (SbBool enable)
SbBool isClearBeforeOverlayRender (void) const
void setAutoRedraw (SbBool enable)
SbBool isAutoRedraw (void) const
void setRedrawPriority (uint32_t priority)
uint32_t getRedrawPriority (void) const
void render (void)
void renderOverlay (void)
void scheduleRedraw (void)
void scheduleOverlayRedraw (void)
void redrawOnSelectionChange (SoSelection *selection)
void redrawOverlayOnSelectionChange (SoSelection *selection)
void setEventCallback (SoWinRenderAreaEventCB *func, void *user=NULL)
void setSceneManager (SoSceneManager *manager)
SoSceneManagergetSceneManager (void) const
void setOverlaySceneManager (SoSceneManager *manager)
SoSceneManagergetOverlaySceneManager (void) const
void setGLRenderAction (SoGLRenderAction *action)
SoGLRenderActiongetGLRenderAction (void) const
void setOverlayGLRenderAction (SoGLRenderAction *action)
SoGLRenderActiongetOverlayGLRenderAction (void) const
SbBool sendSoEvent (const SoEvent *event)
void registerDevice (SoWinDevice *device)
void unregisterDevice (SoWinDevice *device)
- Public Member Functions inherited from SoWinGLWidget
void setBorder (const SbBool enable)
SbBool isBorder (void) const
SbBool isDoubleBuffer (void) const
void setDrawToFrontBufferEnable (const SbBool enable)
SbBool isDrawToFrontBufferEnable (void) const
void setQuadBufferStereo (const SbBool enable)
SbBool isQuadBufferStereo (void) const
void setAccumulationBuffer (const SbBool enable)
SbBool getAccumulationBuffer (void) const
void setStencilBuffer (const SbBool enable)
SbBool getStencilBuffer (void) const
void setAlphaChannel (const SbBool enable)
SbBool getAlphaChannel (void) const
void setOverlayRender (const SbBool onoff)
SbBool isOverlayRender (void) const
void setSampleBuffers (const int numsamples)
int getSampleBuffers (void) const
void setStealFocus (SbBool enable)
SbBool isStealFocus (void) const
HWND getGLWidget (void) const
HWND getNormalWidget (void) const
HWND getOverlayWidget (void) const
SbBool hasOverlayGLArea (void) const
SbBool hasNormalGLArea (void) const
unsigned long getOverlayTransparentPixel (void)
void getPointSizeLimits (SbVec2f &range, float &granularity)
void getLineWidthLimits (SbVec2f &range, float &granularity)
- Public Member Functions inherited from SoWinComponent
virtual ~SoWinComponent ()
virtual void show (void)
virtual void hide (void)
SbBool isFullScreen (void) const
SbBool setFullScreen (const SbBool onoff)
SbBool isVisible (void)
SbBool isTopLevelShell (void) const
HWND getWidget (void) const
HWND getBaseWidget (void) const
HWND getShellWidget (void) const
HWND getParentWidget (void) const
void setSize (const SbVec2s size)
SbVec2s getSize (void) const
void setTitle (const char *const title)
const char * getTitle (void) const
void setIconTitle (const char *const title)
const char * getIconTitle (void) const
const char * getWidgetName (void) const
const char * getClassName (void) const
void setWindowCloseCallback (SoWinComponentCB *const func, void *const user=NULL)
- Public Member Functions inherited from SoWinObject
virtual SoType getTypeId (void) const =0
SbBool isOfType (SoType type) const

Protected Member Functions

 SoWinConstrainedViewer (HWND parent, const char *const name, SbBool embed, SoWinFullViewer::BuildFlag flag, SoWinViewer::Type type, SbBool build)
 ~SoWinConstrainedViewer ()
virtual void tiltCamera (float delta)
virtual void bottomWheelMotion (float value)
virtual void leftWheelMotion (float value)
virtual void changeCameraValues (SoCamera *camera)
void findUpDirection (SbVec2s mouselocation)
void checkForCameraUpConstrain (void)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from SoWinFullViewer
 SoWinFullViewer (HWND parent, const char *name, SbBool embed, BuildFlag flag, Type type, SbBool build)
 ~SoWinFullViewer ()
virtual void sizeChanged (const SbVec2s &size)
HWND buildWidget (HWND parent)
virtual void buildDecoration (HWND parent)
virtual HWND buildLeftTrim (HWND parent)
virtual HWND buildBottomTrim (HWND parent)
virtual HWND buildRightTrim (HWND parent)
HWND buildAppButtons (HWND parent)
HWND buildViewerButtons (HWND parent)
virtual void createViewerButtons (HWND parent, SbPList *buttonlist)
virtual void buildPopupMenu (void)
virtual void setPopupMenuString (const char *title)
virtual void openPopupMenu (const SbVec2s position)
virtual void leftWheelStart (void)
virtual void leftWheelFinish (void)
float getLeftWheelValue (void) const
void setLeftWheelValue (const float value)
virtual void bottomWheelStart (void)
virtual void bottomWheelFinish (void)
float getBottomWheelValue (void) const
void setBottomWheelValue (const float value)
virtual void rightWheelStart (void)
virtual void rightWheelMotion (float)
virtual void rightWheelFinish (void)
float getRightWheelValue (void) const
void setRightWheelValue (const float value)
void setLeftWheelString (const char *const name)
HWND getLeftWheelLabelWidget (void) const
void setBottomWheelString (const char *const name)
HWND getBottomWheelLabelWidget (void) const
void setRightWheelString (const char *const name)
const char * getRightWheelString () const
HWND getRightWheelLabelWidget (void) const
virtual SbBool processSoEvent (const SoEvent *const event)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from SoWinViewer
 SoWinViewer (HWND parent, const char *name, SbBool embed, Type type, SbBool build)
 ~SoWinViewer ()
virtual void setSeekMode (SbBool enable)
SbBool isSeekMode (void) const
SbBool seekToPoint (const SbVec2s screenpos)
void seekToPoint (const SbVec3f &scenepos)
virtual void computeSeekFinalOrientation (void)
virtual void actualRedraw (void)
void interactiveCountInc (void)
void interactiveCountDec (void)
int getInteractiveCount (void) const
void setSeekDistance (const float distance)
float getSeekDistance (void) const
void setSeekValueAsPercentage (const SbBool on)
SbBool isSeekValuePercentage (void) const
void addSuperimposition (SoNode *scene)
void removeSuperimposition (SoNode *scene)
void setSuperimpositionEnabled (SoNode *scene, const SbBool enable)
SbBool getSuperimpositionEnabled (SoNode *scene) const
- Protected Member Functions inherited from SoWinRenderArea
 SoWinRenderArea (HWND parent, const char *name, SbBool embed, SbBool mouseInput, SbBool keyboardInput, SbBool build)
virtual void redraw (void)
virtual void redrawOverlay (void)
virtual void actualOverlayRedraw (void)
virtual void processEvent (MSG *event)
virtual void initGraphic (void)
virtual void initOverlayGraphic (void)
virtual void widgetChanged (HWND widget)
virtual void afterRealizeHook (void)
HWND buildWidget (HWND parent)
virtual const char * getDefaultWidgetName (void) const
virtual const char * getDefaultTitle (void) const
virtual const char * getDefaultIconTitle (void) const
virtual SbBool glScheduleRedraw (void)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from SoWinGLWidget
 SoWinGLWidget (HWND const parent=NULL, const char *const name=NULL, const SbBool embed=TRUE, const int glmodes=SO_GL_RGB, const SbBool build=TRUE)
 ~SoWinGLWidget ()
HWND buildWidget (HWND parent)
void setGLSize (const SbVec2s size)
SbVec2s getGLSize (void) const
float getGLAspectRatio (void) const
void setGlxSize (const SbVec2s size)
SbVec2s getGlxSize (void) const
float getGlxAspectRatio (void) const
void setStereoBuffer (SbBool flag)
SbBool isStereoBuffer (void) const
SbBool isRGBMode (void)
void glLockNormal (void)
void glUnlockNormal (void)
void glLockOverlay (void)
void glUnlockOverlay (void)
void glSwapBuffers (void)
void glFlushBuffer (void)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from SoWinComponent
 SoWinComponent (HWND const parent=NULL, const char *const name=NULL, const SbBool embed=TRUE)
void setClassName (const char *const name)
void setBaseWidget (HWND widget)
void registerWidget (HWND widget)
void unregisterWidget (HWND widget)
void addVisibilityChangeCallback (SoWinComponentVisibilityCB *const func, void *const user=NULL)
void removeVisibilityChangeCallback (SoWinComponentVisibilityCB *const func, void *const user=NULL)

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from SoWinFullViewer
- Public Types inherited from SoWinViewer
enum  Type { BROWSER, EDITOR }
enum  DrawStyle {
enum  DrawType { STILL = 0, INTERACTIVE }
enum  StereoType {
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from SoWinRenderArea
static uint32_t getDefaultRedrawPriority (void)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from SoWinComponent
static void setWidgetCursor (HWND w, const SoWinCursor &cursor)
static SoWinComponentgetComponent (HWND widget)
static void initClasses (void)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from SoWinObject
static void initClass (void)
static SoType getClassTypeId (void)
static void init (void)
- Protected Attributes inherited from SoWinFullViewer
HWND leftWheel
HWND rightWheel
HWND bottomWheel
HWND leftDecoration
HWND rightDecoration
HWND bottomDecoration
HWND leftWheelLabel
char * leftWheelStr
float leftWheelVal
HWND rightWheelLabel
char * rightWheelStr
float rightWheelVal
HWND bottomWheelLabel
char * bottomWheelStr
float bottomWheelVal
SoWinPopupMenu * prefmenu
- Protected Attributes inherited from SoWinGLWidget
SbBool waitForExpose
SbBool drawToFrontBuffer
- Protected Attributes inherited from SoWinComponent
SbBool firstRealize

Detailed Description

The SoWinConstrainedViewer class is the superclass for viewers with constrains on the viewpoint.

This abstract viewer class adds new methods to keep the camera in an upright position according to some arbitrary up-direction. The up-direction can be decided by either the application programmer (by using SoWinConstrainedViewer::setUpDirection()) or the end-user, through interaction mechanisms defined by the subclasses.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ SoWinConstrainedViewer()

SoWinConstrainedViewer::SoWinConstrainedViewer ( HWND  parent,
const char *const  name,
SbBool  embed,
SoWinFullViewer::BuildFlag  flag,
SoWinViewer::Type  type,
SbBool  build 


◆ ~SoWinConstrainedViewer()

SoWinConstrainedViewer::~SoWinConstrainedViewer ( )

Virtual destructor.

Member Function Documentation

◆ setUpDirection()

void SoWinConstrainedViewer::setUpDirection ( const SbVec3f dir)

Set up-direction vector for the camera viewpoint.

◆ getUpDirection()

const SbVec3f & SoWinConstrainedViewer::getUpDirection ( void  ) const

Return up-direction vector for the camera viewpoint.

◆ setCamera()

void SoWinConstrainedViewer::setCamera ( SoCamera cam)

Set the camera we want the viewer to manipulate when interacting with the viewer controls.

The camera passed in as an argument to this method must already be part of the viewer's scene graph. You do not inject viewpoint cameras to the viewer with this method.

You should rather insert a camera into the scene graph first (if necessary, often one will be present already), then register it as the camera used by the viewer controls with this method.

If the application code doesn't explicitly set up a camera through this method, the viewer will automatically scan through the scene graph to find a camera to use. If no camera is available in the scene graph at all, it will set up its own camera.

See also

Reimplemented from SoWinViewer.

Reimplemented in SoWinFlyViewer.

◆ saveHomePosition()

void SoWinConstrainedViewer::saveHomePosition ( void  )

Store the current camera settings for later retrieval with resetToHomePosition().

See also

Reimplemented from SoWinViewer.

◆ resetToHomePosition()

void SoWinConstrainedViewer::resetToHomePosition ( void  )

Restore the saved camera settings.

See also

Reimplemented from SoWinViewer.

Reimplemented in SoWinFlyViewer.

◆ tiltCamera()

void SoWinConstrainedViewer::tiltCamera ( float  delta)

This method tilts the camera delta degrees closer to the up direction.

◆ bottomWheelMotion()

void SoWinConstrainedViewer::bottomWheelMotion ( float  value)

Called repeatedly as the user drags the thumbwheel in the bottom frame. Override this method in subclassed viewers to provide your own functionality on the thumbwheel.

See also
bottomWheelStart(), bottomWheelFinish()
leftWheelStart(), rightWheelStart()

Reimplemented from SoWinFullViewer.

◆ leftWheelMotion()

void SoWinConstrainedViewer::leftWheelMotion ( float  value)

Called repeatedly as the user drags the thumbwheel in the left frame. Override this method in subclassed viewers to provide your own functionality on the thumbwheel.

See also
leftWheelStart(), leftWheelFinish()
bottomWheelStart(), rightWheelStart()

Reimplemented from SoWinFullViewer.

◆ changeCameraValues()

void SoWinConstrainedViewer::changeCameraValues ( SoCamera camera)

Copies the settings of camera into our current camera. Cameras must be of the same class type.

Reimplemented from SoWinViewer.

◆ findUpDirection()

void SoWinConstrainedViewer::findUpDirection ( SbVec2s  mouselocation)

Executes a ray pick at the given mouse pointer location and sets the viewer's camera up-vector direction to the normal vector of the picked geometry.

◆ checkForCameraUpConstrain()

void SoWinConstrainedViewer::checkForCameraUpConstrain ( void  )

If necessary, "tilts" the camera sideways so the up-direction is heeded.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: